Logic of English Vs All About Reading

Learning to read is an important milestone in any child’s life. With reading being a foundation for further learning, it can also be something of a stressful experience for parents, particularly those new to teaching themselves.  Logic of English and All About Reading are two well-known and respected programs that can make learning to read … Read more

CTCMath vs Teaching Textbooks

As reluctant as we might be to admit it, not every homeschooling parent has the time to be able to sit with their student and teach math.  Similarly, not every parent feels comfortable enough with their own math skills to tackle a subject as important as math, especially at the upper levels.  For these parents, … Read more

Math Mammoth Vs Singapore Math

Picking a math curriculum for your student is an important decision for any homeschool. A good math program not only teaches math in a way that kids can understand it, but explores math at a depth and level of rigor that will prepare students for anything they may wish to study or do with their … Read more

Best Alternatives to Time4Writing To Improve Your Kids Writing

Since its founding in 2008, Time4Writing has helped thousands of elementary, middle and high school students improve their writing through various online courses.  With classes ranging from general grammar to more advanced mechanics to formal essay writing, many parents, unsure about their own ability to objectively evaluate their child’s writing, found great success with Time4Writing.  … Read more

Bookshark vs. Moving Beyond the Page: Which Complete Curriculum Kit is Right for You?

Putting together a complete year’s curriculum can be challenging for homeschooling parents.  Between researching, selecting and buying high quality curricula for every subject (and for each child), creating lesson plans and schedules, gathering all the necessary materials and dealing with all the other time-consuming tasks required to teach a homeschool successfully…well, it can be a … Read more

KiwiCo vs Lovevery: Two Early Childhood Boxes Compared

Early childhood is a critical stage of human development and learning.  Babies are born ready and willing to learn and parents who encourage learning through play can lay a strong foundation for positive cognitive development for the years to come.  KiwiCo and Lovevery are two companies that have developed subscription boxes filled with hands-on learning … Read more

Kids and Coding: Do You Have to be Good at Math to Code?

Do I have to be good at math to code?  Can I really do this? These are questions that many students ask themselves when they first consider learning to code. About 93% of Americans suffer from some form of math anxiety. They worry that their skills and knowledge in math aren’t good enough and/or get … Read more

Best Build a Computer Kits for Kids

It’s no secret that most kids love electronics, apps and their computers. After all, what parent hasn’t had those endless nightly struggles over screen time? Rather than fighting, however, parents may be better served by guiding their child’s interest in electronics and thereby helping them develop a variety of STEM skills to better serve them … Read more

AI for Kids: Help Your Kids Learn Tomorrow’s Most Useful Skill

Artificial intelligence is probably the most widely thrown around buzzword in computer science and in education these days. The reason for this is simple: from  chatbots to health care to self-driving cars, the development of artificial intelligence is so revolutionary that it is changing the way in which we interact and use technology.  Whether it … Read more