Homeschooling with IXL: Using IXL for Social Studies

For homeschoolers, social studies can be sometimes a tricky subject to tackle. Primarily covering geography, history, civics, economics and sociology, and possibly involving other social science disciplines, there is a lot of information to cover and a little technological help can often go a long way in helping plan, organize, teach and review the subject … Read more

Choosing an Online Homeschool Math Curriculum

In today’s digital world there are a lot of options when it comes to learning math at home. There are math tools, math games, math apps, math enrichment resources and, of course, various online curricula out there for homeschoolers to choose from.  If you are looking at subscribing to an online homeschool math curriculum, there are … Read more

Finding the Right Kindergarten Math Curriculum for Your Family

Kindergarten can be a fun, exciting and important time for both kids and parents. It’s also a crucial step in kids learning, getting them used to the routine of school and giving kids their first  In recent years, we’ve learned that when it comes to math in particular, the earlier you get started the better.  … Read more

IXL vs Khan Academy

Two powerful learning platforms in a K-12 head to head comparison Among the variety of supplementary K-12 learning platforms out there, two very popular options are IXL and Khan Academy.  Although neither of these platforms are really perfect substitutes for structured learning models like a classroom or homeschool, their technology and design have made them … Read more