Most every parent wants their student to develop a rich and sophisticated vocabulary, but not every student enjoys the type of rote memorization that most vocabulary programs offer.
With rigorous and high quality word lists, interactive lessons and an extensive variety of engaging exercises and activities in each lesson, Wordly Wise 3000 can be an excellent way for students to enrich their vocabulary quickly, easily and with a minimum of exasperated eye rolls.
What We Like
But watch out for…
What is Wordly Wise 3000
First published back in 2000, Wordly Wise 3000 is a vocabulary building program for K-12 students.
The program consists of a series of books (available digitally as Wordly Wise i3000) that introduce new words in each lesson and provide students with their definitions and proper usage through a diversity of exercises, passages and the occasional assessment.
Wordly Wise 3000 is an updated version of the original Wordly Wise series. Aside from having a more modern look and feel, it adds narrative passages for further explorations of word context and usage.
What does the 3000 stand for?
Sometimes a source of confusion or curiosity for some parents, the 3000 in Wordly Wise 3000 stands for the number of words introduced in the original series.
Although the series has since expanded and encompasses 12 books teaching 4050 words, the company has decided to keep the more recognizable 3000.
For which grades is Wordly Wise 3000 designed?
Worldly Wise 3000 is officially designed for K-12 students, with each book in the series linked to a particular grade.
Books K-1 are designed for Kindergarten and Grade 1 (as the name suggests) , and help develop key vocabulary and short word recognition that can supplement reading development and phonics learning.
Books 2-12 cover grades 2-12 and form the main bulk of the program and have a slightly different format than K-1, reflecting the students growing ability to learn increasingly complex language instruction more independently.
It’s important for parents to note that while Wordly Wise 3000 is a K-12 vocabulary building program, it is a bit more advanced than some other programs out there.
At times, some of the vocabulary words, sample exercises and passages can be a little bit more complex for their grade level than some other programs in our opinion, as demonstrated by this passage from Level 3:

While this can be a good thing, providing a little bit more of a challenge to students and giving them more of a rigorous language arts education, some students may need a bit of help here and there or even start at a lower level.
That said, despite being intended for specific grades, Worldly Wise 3000 books can easily be used by students outside their age range.
In fact, with the exception of Kindergarten, the books themselves don’t refer to any specific grade, being simply labelled by number (1-12).
This makes them more broadly useful to students learning at a different pace, especially to ESL students and those struggling with language arts as, with no grade markings on the cover, they won’t feel as embarrassed to use a book below their personal grade level.
What Make Up A Wordly Wise 3000 Set?
Homeschoolers looking to use Wordly Wise 3000 as part of their language arts curriculum may need to purchase a few things to get the most out of the program.
Wordly Wise 3000 Student Books
The book within which students will work, the Student Books generally contain the word lists, passages and various exercises that students will work from, as well as space for their answers.
Wordly Wise 3000 Answer Key
To help parents correct student work, the company offers a book containing answer keys for each lesson.
Wordly Wise 3000 Test Books
These books contain tests (and answers) for each lesson, as well as cumulative tests so parents can administer midterms and final exams for each, which is handy.
Wordly Wise Teacher’s Resource Book
Acting as sort of an intensive teacher’s guide, the Teacher’s Resource Book provides all of the content for both the Answer Key and the Test Books, as well as an assortment of other resources to help parents and teachers use Wordly Wise more effectively with their students, such as:
- Pacing ideas
- Suggested lesson plans and schedules
- Additional practice exercises and activities
- Suggestions and tips for differentiation
Because the Teacher’s Resource Book contains the same content as the Answer Key and Test Books, in addition to various helpful teaching resources and tips, it is a more comprehensive, all-in-one solution.
That said, parents who don’t feel they need the extra practice exercises, teaching and differentiation tips and scheduling help can always just purchase the Test and Answer Key Books instead, which is a nice bit of added flexibility built into Wordly Wise 3000.
Access to Quizlet
Finally, Wordly Wise 3000 has partnered with online quiz provider Quizlet to offer students a variety of online games, quizzes and other exercises to help drill their learning in a more digital, interactive and fun way.
How Wordly Wise 3000 Works
Designed for both homeschooling and traditional teaching, Wordly Wise 3000 is a pretty straightforward program as far as language arts programs go.
Student Workbook
For most Wordly Wise, students work through their lessons in the Student Workbook.
Presented with 10-15 words in a word list (depending on grade level), students are then tasked with completing a variety of exercises and activities that will repeatedly expose them to these words and their meanings in different sentences.

Following these exercises, students are presented with a 4-5 activities that allow them to see these new words in context, such as by being used naturally in reading passages.
As a result, throughout a lesson students are repeatedly presented and work with these new words, their definitions and an opportunity to see them in use (critical to prevent kids falling into the habit of misusing them), all of which can help students absorb new words and broaden their vocabulary over time.

The Student Workbooks are written to the student and for most of the course, students work through the exercises on their own, although from time to time the books contain places that encourage interaction with the parent, such as initiating dialogue about a certain topic or brainstorming about their writing ideas.
At the end of each lesson, parents can correct the students’ work with an answer key and, periodically, can administer tests and quizzes.
As such, although not necessarily a self-study program, Wordly Wise 3000 does encourage independent learning to a fair degree, with parents mostly providing guidance and correction from time to time.
Owing to the age of the students involved and their ability to read, K-1 books are a little different than the rest of the series.
They are parent-led and far more intensive for parents, as parents are expected to read passages and questions to students, direct their work and initiate dialogue about topics.
Rather than the various reading and writing exercises that are found in later books, the K-1 series involves more visual activities, such as connecting words to pictures, cutting and pasting, coloring things in, connecting pictures together and so on.
Interestingly, compared to the more text heavy 2-12 series, Wordly Wise 3000’s K-1 books are very visual, using bright colors and well-drawn illustrations to attract and hold students’ attention.
And this is an issue that some students and parents may have with the rest of Wordly Wise 3000’s workbooks.
Books 2-12, while the learning is definitely solid, are very text heavy. Beyond the occasional monochrome drawing, there are few pictures or illustrations that will grab student’s attention.
It’s also not the most multisensory curriculum out there.
Most of the learning is done through traditional reading and writing, with digital flashcards and other resources available from Quizlet and i3000, but there is no real video lessons or hands-on physical activities to engage other modes of learning.
Wordly Wise Activities
Throughout the books, Wordly Wise offers students a variety of activities based around each lesson’s word list to help them learn the meaning of these words and put them into context.
For example, some activities throughout the series might be:
- World List- where students are presented with 10-15 new words and their meanings to review
- Words in Context – Where students figure out if a word is being used correctly in a sentence
- Determining Meaning – Where students learn to understand word parts and meanings
- Making Connections – students connect words together to understand their relationships (which word goes with which)
- Completing Sentences – where students select which sentence makes the most logical sense given the word in question
- Finding Similar Meanings – where students use synonyms for the new word in a sentence
- Understanding Contextual Meaning – where students determine for themselves if a word is correctly being used in a full sentence, rewriting it correctly if it is not.
- Context Cues
- Word Studies: Analogies – students are given a pair of words and must find more that closely resemble that relationship, much like those found on the SAT
- Images of words – where students select a sentence that best suggest what a particular word might mean or that are a good example of its meaning
- Vocabulary in Context – Students read a passage and answer questions, demonstrating how these new words can be used in an organic sentence.
The diversity of activities found in Wordly Wise 3000 is actually kind of interesting and, we feel, quite beneficial.
For one thing, having a wider variety of activities allows Wordly Wise to explore the different meanings and nuances that a word might have, and gives students an opportunity to try out these words in a variety of ways, which can solidify their knowledge further.
Similarly, by having lots of exercises that cover meaning and usage in different ways, Wordly Wise lessons increase students’ exposure to the new words presented in the word list, which can help with absorbing them fully.
Teacher’s Resource Books
As mentioned previously, parents can purchase the Teacher’s Resource Books.
Although not strictly necessary to teach Wordly Wise, they do make teaching it a lot easier for parents, particularly those new to homeschooling or those unsure about their own ability to teach language arts.
Aside from providing assessments and answer keys for lessons and quizzes, the Teacher’s Resource Books can offer parents ideas for lesson schedules, tips for teaching students more effectively, explanations for activities and their intended purpose, help for preventing common errors, and differentiation ideas for those needing enrichment and for those falling behind.

In addition to the Workbooks, Wordly Wise 3000 has also teamed up with Quizlet to provide a variety of supplemental digital activities that kids can try out.
When purchasing a Wordly Wise 3000 book, students are given an access code that, for about 12 months, gives them access to interactive Wordly Wise 3000 content hosted on Quizlet.
The content is designed to act as a sort of drill, further exposing kids to their new vocabulary and quizzing them in a more interactive and sometimes fun way.
There are a number of vocabulary-related tasks that students can do on Quizlet. Wordly Wise 3000 offers flashcards, quizzes, writing exercises and even games (such as the matching game below) for kids to try, which can reinforce learning and help with retention.

This partnership with Quizlet is actually beneficial for a few reasons.
It updates Wordly Wise 3000 a bit for the modern age, adding a fun, interactive and digital practice component that kids will enjoy more than pen and paper and that doesn’t feel like drill.
It also helps support and encourage students in their independent learning, providing an opportunity to practice and receive immediate feedback and correction.
Interestingly, the popularity and widespread use of Wordly Wise 3000 has created something of a little ecosystem on quizlet, with teachers and fans of the series creating their own unofficial Wordly Wise-related drills on quizlet that parents and students can use as extra practice material alongside the regular curriculum (although, obviously, quality and accuracy may vary so discretion is advised).
What is a vocabulary lesson like?
Lessons in Wordly Wise typically begin with the lesson’s word list, although some parents may wish to start off with a brief review of previously learned material if they feel it is beneficial to their student.
Starting in Book 2, students are presented with 10 new words and this progresses to 15 new words from Book 4 and on.
Students go over, read aloud and study their new words and their definitions, from time to time being given structured but open-ended prompts to discuss various concepts related to their new words.
The teacher’s guides in Wordly Wise often provide a variety of suggestions for reinforcing and clarifying a word’s meaning, such as by having parents and students draw and fill out definition maps.
Following the word list, students and parents work through the various activities for the lesson.
As mentioned previously, Wordly Wise 3000 has a variety of different activities that it uses and, while these can vary between lessons.
For example, in Book 9 a lesson may have the following series of activities:
- Word List
- Determining Precise Meaning – students select the most accurate paraphrasing of a sentence that includes a word from the word list
- Understanding Word Relationships – Students are given a multiple choice response and must circle a word that is similar in meaning to one they are given
- Word Study: Parts of Speech – Students change verbs, adjectives, etc. into nouns by modifying suffixes
- Understanding Contextual Meaning – Students identify incorrect usages of words and rewrite sentences, if necessary
- Vocabulary Context – Students read a passage and answer related questions that include words from the word list
- Vocabulary Extension – Students brainstorm with their parents and then are given a prompt containing a word from the word list.
Whereas another lesson from Book 9 may have a different combination of activities:
- Word List
- Understanding Meanings – Students read sentences, identify incorrect usages of words and rewrite sentences, if necessary
- Using Words – Students decide if a given word fits within a blank space in a sentence or not
- Word Study: Analogies – Students do SAT style analogy exercises with words from the word list (amputate is to limb as prune is to branch, for example)
- Images of words: students select the sentence that best suggests the meaning of words from the word list
- Vocabulary Context – Students read a passage and answer related questions that include words from the word list
- Vocabulary Extension – Students brainstorm with their parents and then are given a prompt containing a word from the word list.
Interestingly, every few lessons Wordly Wise offers a review.
Unlike other vocabulary curricula, this isn’t in quiz form but rather in a crossword puzzle, which is fairly unique and can be a kind of fun break at the end of a month.
Finally, after each lesson parents have the option of administering Lesson Tests from the Test Book or Teacher’s Resource Guide.
These are usually little sentence quizzes that test a student’s understanding of the words in the word list and their meaning and can serve as a nice review at the end of the week.
Parents can also choose to administer cumulative midterms and finals, which are new passages containing various words from the book’s word list that students will have to demonstrate their familiarity with and understanding of.
In general, with the exception of the Word List, passages and extensions, Wordly Wise 3000 does like to change activities up a bit between lessons.
And this can be a good thing.
By having several different activities in each lesson, it does serve to change things up a bit, keeping kids on their toes and making them less likely to zone out and robotically answer questions.
This is especially true as, depending on the particular activity in question, students may be underlining, writing, circling or even picking answers from a multiple choice list.
It also makes things a little less tedious for parents, which is nice.
On the downside, some students do like consistency between lessons and may feel anxious having to deal with slightly different lesson structures each week, and it is something parents should think about if this is the case with their kids.
One thing we really liked with the activities in Wordly Wise is that they are not always simple multiple choice or fill in the blank definition questions that students can autopilot through.
They can include activities that require a lot of critical thinking and even, with the various writing prompts and sentence analysis, some creativity on the part of the student, higher cognitive skills that can deepen and strengthen memory in the long run and that make Wordly Wise something of a more (positively) challenging and rigorous program than most.

In terms of lesson scheduling and planning, Wordly Wise is actually quite flexible.
Due to the way it is structured (word list and several activities), parents can pretty much integrate it into any homeschool schedule. Parents can, for example, set a dedicated vocabulary day where students go through a lesson, or break lessons across a two, three, four, or even five day schedule depending on preference.
In fact, each level’s teachers guide provides sample schedules and advice to help parents do just that, which is nice.
In terms of teaching the material, while the Teacher’s Guide offers a variety of suggestions and tips for effective vocabulary teaching, it does generally leave the precise teaching up to parents.
Thus, less experienced parents can choose to follow the program as laid out or add their own unique touches to it.
Wordly Wise i3000
While not the main focus of this particular review, it is worth noting that Wordly Wise also offers an online, browser-based version of the Wordly Wise 3000 curriculum, called Wordly Wise i3000.
For those who prefer a more modern, digital learning approach to language arts, Wordly Wise i3000 offers lessons that are broadly similar to Wordly Wise 3000 but with a variety of features that make it a little less intensive for parents and a little more interactive for students.
Much like the pen and paper program, Wordly Wise i3000 teaches mainly through the presentation of a word list and through a variety of exercises that students can complete on screen.
The activities are broadly similar to those in the pen and paper Wordly Wise, with a few new activities introduced reflecting the increased capabilities of a digital environment (Illustrated Vocabulary being notable), but the main difference is, in our opinion, the program’s digital interactivity.
Rather than reading questions and writing things down, students can click on words to receive their meaning and can click, type and even draw their way through the program, providing an experience that can be easier for some of today’s more digitally native students.

Interestingly, each lesson in Wordly Wise i3000 also begins with a sort of self-assessment, allowing students to indicate how familiar they are with the word list, which can then be used to focus lessons a bit more on terms the student is less familiar with and less on those they already know.
Unlike the offline version, Wordly Wise i3000 is far more self-paced for students, allowing them to click through and explore new vocabulary on their own and receive immediate, automatic feedback and correction from the program.
This not only encourages independent learning, which we like, but also gives parents a bit of a break and can be particularly useful for busy homeschools that don’t really have the time for parents to sit, discuss and generally manage the learning process themselves.
Similarly, as a self-paced digital program, it offers parents a variety of powerful administrative tools they can use to track student performance down to the individual quiz level and get a better understanding of how their vocabulary development is progressing, as well as identifying any trouble spots, through helpful and important metrics such as time on task, quiz scores, student responses per exercises and more.
I3000’s look and feel is a bit more refreshed and modern compared to the workbooks, with more pictures and photos that, especially with the passages and writing exercises, can help students engage a little more with the program.

It also offers some pre-built differentiation activities, which we think can be very helpful, for example the Vocabulary in Context exercises offer alternative passages at a lower Lexile level for students with reading challenges.
It’s important to note that, originally designed for classrooms, some of the program’s features aren’t necessarily the most relevant for the average homeschooling family (notably Social Sharing and Interaction, which allow students to share and view each other’s work), but most of the program’s features can make teaching Wordly Wise 3000 a bit easier for families that prefer online and digital learning.
By and large, however, Wordly Wise i3000
Wordly Wise Pros and Cons
Fairly rigorous vocabulary program
Wordly Wise 3000 tends to offer more challenging vocabulary and more in-depth exercises than other programs.
Many of its words are taken from textbooks and standardized tests, which can help students develop a stronger and more rich vocabulary over time.
Does offer students a lot of exposure and practice with new words
With word lists followed by several different activities, students are repeatedly exposed to the words in different contexts and in all their meanings, which not only makes for a thorough review but also can help strengthen memory recall and vocabulary retention.
Highly flexible program
Wordly Wise 3000 is a very flexible program, allowing parents a good deal of freedom with which books they need to buy (Tests + Answer Key or Teacher’s Resource Book, for example), how they would like to fit it into their homeschool schedules, and even the precise teaching methods they can use and discussions they can have.
Does encourage a lot of deeper and creative thinking about words
Rather than just rote memorizing word lists, many of the activities in Wordly Wise 3000 require students to carefully read, analyze and (re) write using words from a word list, which ultimately gets them thinking deeper about the meaning of what they’re learning and, in the case of the writing prompts, can get them thinking creatively about what they’re doing as well.
Wide variety of exercises that will keep students from getting too bored
Wordly Wise lessons use a variety of exercises in each lesson that change up between lessons, which can keep things interesting and force students to pay attention to what they’re doing, preventing them from tuning out and going through the motions.
Places words in context, so students learn to use them correctly in writing
Rather than just focus on the meaning of words, Wordly Wise 3000 puts them into context, exploring how they are used in natural sentences and passages.
This can help students better understand how certain words can be used and can help prevent embarrassing mistakes and malapropisms later.
Encourages a lot of interaction between student and parent
Throughout the program’s lessons there are a good deal of prompts that are designed to explore words and spark discussions between students and parents, which is nice and creates a more interactive and engaging learning environment at home.
Doesn’t make obvious references to grade levels on the cover of each book
While Wordly Wise 3000 is leveled based on grade, it doesn’t make it obvious when you look at the covers of each workbook. This makes it less embarrassing for students to use if they have to start the program a grade level back, for example.
Does offer a digital, self-paced version
For homeschoolers who don’t mind or prefer learning digitally, and for those who want to promote independent learning, Wordly Wise is also offered as Wordly Wise i3000.
A digital curriculum, i3000 turns Wordly Wise 3000 into more of a self-paced program, allowing parents to step into an oversight role and offers digital tools parents can use to help improve the learning based on student performance, such as real-time performance tracking and more differentiation options.
Not the most fascinating curriculum to look at
Wordly Wise 3000 workbooks are fairly plain visually. There are not a lot of colorful illustrations, diagrams, pictorials or access to videos in this program and, as a result, it’s not the most fascinating for students to look at while they study.
Further, while it does encourage active dialogue and whiteboard/writing activities, the program isn’t all that multisensory and, for example, there isn’t so much for hands-on learners to engage with in this program.
Can be quite text heavy at times
Wordly Wise 3000 does involve lots of text and reading. While this seems an unusual drawback to consider for a language arts program, it does mean that ESL students and those with reading difficulties may need more help and time going through it.
Can be a lot of variation between lessons in the same book
Lessons in Wordly Wise aren’t always consistent in the activities they include. Within the same book, lessons can include different activities (or activities in a different order), and this lack of activity consistency can bother some students.
Who is Wordly Wise Ideal for?
Parents looking for a rigorous program to help develop a rich vocabulary in their students
Wordly Wise 3000 derives its word lists from a variety of high quality sources, such as standardized tests, literature and textbooks, and its exercises foster critical and creative thought that deepen and strengthen students’ exposure, connecting and understanding of these new words.
Students who benefit from continual review
Some students learn best when given periodic opportunities to review what they’ve learned. With plenty of exercises, lesson tests and targeted review every few lessons, Wordly Wise 3000 can be great at helping solidify a new vocabulary with such students.
Students who get easily bored and tune out during lessons
Some vocabulary building programs can get repetitive and some students tend to zone out and complete their work on autopilot, which can hinder their absorption of the material.
By offering a slightly different variety of exercises in each lesson, many of which require some critical thinking, Wordly Wise 3000 is pretty good at changing things up and keeping kids paying attention to what they are doing.
Students who enjoy discussing and thinking critically about what they’re doing
Many students enjoy learning through interactive dialogue with their parents or teachers and Wordly Wise 3000 contains a number of prompts in each lesson that are designed to spark discussions and explorations of certain words and concepts.
Parents looking for a flexible vocabulary program
Wordly Wise 3000 is fairly flexible, with parents having a great amount of control and say over how they teach, how they discuss topics, their schedules and even which books they need to buy to use the program.
As such, the program can be customized and configured to a variety of homeschool preferences and teaching philosophies.
Busy homeschools
Wordly Wise’s lesson structure lends itself to being able to fit into a variety of teaching schedules, with the Teacher’s Resource Book offering out-of-the-box ideas for 1,3,4 and 5 day plans that parents can easily adopt to fit even the busiest of homeschool schedules.
Who is Wordly Wise Not Ideal for?
Students who enjoy hands on learning or those who learn best with audio/video
While Wordly Wise does have an interesting partnership with Quizlet and does offer some online games and activities as a result, the workbooks are largely text based and there isn’t a lot of tactile or audio video multisensory learning involved in this program.
Students who have severe reading difficulties
Wordly Wise 3000 is quite text heavy and it can be fairly rigorous at times, as a result we believe students with severe reading difficulties may have a bit more trouble going through the lessons, and require more help, than less text-heavy vocabulary programs.
Students looking for a brightly illustrated and fun to look at textbook
While the learning is quite solid, Wordly Wise 3000’s textbooks aren’t exactly the most colorful or thrilling to look at.
Some students may not appreciate working with them quite as much as a result.
Parents looking for a hands-off, self-study curriculum
While the workbooks and activities are directed at students, and while its Quizlet integration does allow for more independent study, Wordly Wise 3000 workbooks do involve quite a bit of interaction between parent and student to brainstorm, have discussions to explore concepts, and to explain things here and there and get the most out of the program.
That said, parents looking for something they can set their child to may need to explore the more self-directed, automatically scored and online Wordly Wise i3000 program instead.
Note: Prices correct as of writing, all prices in USD.
For the most part, i.e. grades 2-12, Wordly Wise 3000 consists of a few books that parents can buy – Student Workbooks (required) and both Answer Keys and Test Books, or the Teacher’s Resource Books, which contain answers and tests for each grade.
Student Workbooks cost about $14.35 per grade
Answer Key Books cost about $7.56 per grade
Test Books cost about $15.78 per grade
Teacher’s Resource Books cost about $77.78 per grade
Some of these components can be purchased as bundles as well, depending on the retailer.
A bundled set of Student Workbooks, Answer Keys and Test Books from Rainbow Resource, for example, costs about $37.69.
For Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1, things are a bit different. As the lessons are parent or teacher-led, they do require the Teacher Pack, since it contains the relevant scripting.
Student Books for K-1 cost about $14.35 per grade.
The Teacher Resource Packages cost around $110.00 per grade.
As with grades 2-12, these can be purchased as sets as well, depending on the retailer.
A bundled set of Student Books and Teacher’s Packs from Rainbow Resource, for example, costs about $124.35.
Of course, as with most curricula out there, these prices are subject to change, as well as discounts and offers that can represent considerable savings.
As a result, parents should always check the latest price and check for any special offers that may be running.
For parents who are interested in Wordly Wise i3000, it is available as a digital yearly subscription for $49.00 per year per student (each additional student is $39.00 per year).
Overall, in terms of price, Wordly Wise 3000 coursebooks aren’t particularly expensive and are more or less competitively priced with more affordable dedicated vocabulary programs, such as Vocabu-lit and Vocabulary from Classical Roots.
Similarly, At around $49 per year for a subscription, Wordly Wise i3000 is fairly affordable compared to other digital programs out there, such as Flocabulary.
Is Wordly Wise 3000 Worth the Price?
Overall, we think Wordly Wise 3000 is worth the price.
The program offers parents and students a more structured method of building vocabulary and offers students a fairly sophisticated and challenging range of new words to learn that can significantly enrich their vocabulary over time.
Further, Wordly Wise 3000 offers students a variety of different activities that will not only repeatedly expose them to their new words, but will do so in a way that both demonstrates their meaning and their proper contextual usage.
These activities are approachable but still engaging and challenging and tend to get students thinking more critically and even creatively about what they’re reading and doing, deepening the learning and preventing students from simply going through the motions during their lessons.
While the optional teacher’s guides for Wordly Wise can be somewhat expensive in an absolute sense, they are filled with a variety of helpful teaching tools, tips, background information about language, scheduling ideas, differentiation suggestions and more, that can make teaching Wordly Wise 3000 a lot easier for those who are less experienced or uncertain at homeschooling.
Finally, unlike many other vocabulary programs that rely on rote memorization, Wordly Wise 3000 encourages a fair bit of discussion and interaction between parents and students as they go through the lessons, which makes them more interesting and engaging for all parties involved.
And for parents who feel they would prefer a more digital, self-paced program for their students, the program’s digital version, Wordly Wise i3000, can help out.
Bottom Line
Most every parent wants their student to develop a rich and sophisticated vocabulary, but not every student enjoys the type of rote memorization that most vocabulary programs offer.
With rigorous and high quality word lists, interactive lessons and an extensive variety of engaging exercises and activities in each lesson, Wordly Wise 3000 can be an excellent way for students to enrich their vocabulary quickly, easily and with a minimum of exasperated eye rolls.

Jennifer Keenes is a writer and a new mom living in Florida. She studied education and, prior to becoming a freelance writer, worked as a substitute teacher at the elementary and middle school level. She is a big fan of the beach, working out and homeschooling her two daughters.