Math can often be a challenging homeschooling subject for both parents and students, particularly for those who have had a hard time learning it in the past.
With an interesting story, multisensory instruction, short lessons and plenty of opportunities to review, Math Lessons For A Living Education is a Charlotte Mason-inspired Christian homeschool math curriculum that can help students develop a stronger understanding of math concepts in a gentler and more approachable way.
What We Like
But watch out for…
What is Math Lessons For A Living Education?
Created by homeschooling mom and curriculum specialist Andrea O’Dell, Math Lessons For A Living Education (or MLFLE) is a Christian homeschool math curriculum that is published by Master Books.
Taking inspiration from a Charlotte Mason approach, the program teaches math a little differently than most, helping students learn math concepts and providing essential practice through a combination of storytelling, math problems, activities and projects, manipulatives and even copywork and narration exercises.
What Ages or Grades is Math Lessons For A Living Education Intended For?
Math Lessons For A Living Education is a K-6 math program that covers everything from basic counting and sorting to averaging, factors, percentiles, geometry and more.
As a homeschool math curriculum, MLFLE books can, of course, be used by students learning outside their stated age range, such as by precocious math learners or those who are a bit behind in their studies.
Parents should note that Math Lessons For A Living Education books clearly and rather prominently state their grade level on the cover (K-Level 6), rather than using alternative titles, such as those in Life of Fred (Apples – Mineshaft) or Math U See (Alpha – Zeta).
As a result, they may need to be a little more sensitive to a student’s feelings, especially if that student is a bit behind and using books a couple levels below their grade.
Placement Tests
Math Lessons For A Living Education is not a common core aligned math program and tends to follow its own scope and sequence.
As a result, it can be a little difficult for some parents to know where to start, particularly those switching into the program from a public school or another homeschool curriculum.
Helpfully, parents can find placement tests for the program for each level free on the Master Books website.
These are essentially readiness tests that test the skills and knowledge students will need to enter a given level, with problem sets covering material from the previous grade.
The tests themselves are pretty straightforward and start off pretty short (Levels 1-3) but become longer and more complex towards the higher grades, topping out at around 25 questions.
Much like a typical math placement test, the questions on the tests are a mixture of simple computational problems with some word problems mixed in for good measure.

Interestingly, some of the questions do directly assess a student’s conceptual understanding of the material by having them explain concepts and their reasoning back to parents during the test.
Testing for understanding, rather than a fluid ability to solve questions, makes these placement tests somewhat different from those of most curricula out there, and is a skill that the program specifically looks for as a measure of readiness for most levels.

What’s Required To Teach The Program
For the most part Math Lessons For A Living Education is a pretty simple and compact homeschool math curriculum that doesn’t require parents to buy, store and organize a lot of books and materials.
The core component of the program is a student book, and MLFLE makes use of household goods as manipulatives and as materials for its various activities and projects.
Beyond that, for most grades there are no teacher’s guides or workbooks to speak of, although there is an optional teaching companion that parents can buy at the beginning of the program and can use throughout.
Math Lessons For A Living Education Student Book
For most grades (excluding Level 6), both parents and students largely work out of the program’s student books.
These are full color and illustrated (especially at the lower levels), books that are available as softcovers or printable/tablet-friendly PDFs.
The books contain the stories that serve to introduce and explain math concepts (more on that later), as well as providing essential exercises and demonstrations, reviews, some assessment, and even some cut-out manipulatives, such as Place Value Counting Mats and Place Value Village, located towards the back of the book.
The books also contain various notes to parents, providing them with the occasional tip for teaching or further explanation of a concept, which can be quite useful for those who aren’t as comfortable teaching math.
The books themselves are consumable and provide a fair amount of room for student responses, which is fairly convenient although it does limit parents’ ability to reuse the text or use it to teach multiple students at once.
Manipulatives and Other Resources
MLFLE is a hands-on math program and does make use of manipulatives and other tactile activities to help students better understand and interact with potentially difficult or confusing math concepts.
Some of the manipulatives, such as place value mats and clock faces, are included in the student book.
While convenient and a cost savings, being made out of paper they aren’t quite as sturdy as some of the plastic sets parents can find online, but they are made out of pretty thick paper and can stand up to most typical students’ handling pretty well, at least in the short to medium term.
Beyond these manipulatives, each student book also contains a list of resources for that level that students will need to complete the various activities in its lessons.
These are usually fairly common household goods, such as construction paper, poster board, rulers, thermometers, protractors, coins, magazines and so on.
Although it can mean an occasional trip to the store, parents shouldn’t have too much trouble finding these items and they shouldn’t cost too much to purchase, which is good news for parents on a budget.
Math Lessons For A Living Education Teaching Companion
Math Lessons For A Living Education also offers an optional teaching companion that parents can pick up that is kind of a conceptual overview of the entire series.
The teaching companion provides an outline of MLFLE’s biblical worldview and how it pertains to math and math instruction, an overview of the program’s scope and sequence, as well as providing parents with an assortment of teaching tips, including how to best differentiate the program for different learning styles, how to make effective use of the program’s flashcards and manipulatives.

Although not strictly required to teach Math Lessons For A Living Education, with its program guide and assortment of useful teaching tips, the teaching companion can be an excellent resource for parents new to homeschooling and those who are uncertain about their own math skills and knowledge.
Teacher’s Guide For Level 6
While most of MLFLE’s student books are designed to be the main text used throughout the year by both parents and students, with lessons, practice and scheduling all integrated into one book, Level 6 of the program is a little different in that it does require a Teacher’s Guide.
The idea is to prepare students to begin to take more traditional upper level math courses, and so is structured a little more like a traditional curriculum.
Students largely read and do practice with their student book, while parents use the Teacher’s Guide to assign lessons, maintain the pace, set up review sessions and correct student work.
One key difference between Level 6 and the others is that it includes more direct assessments, through extra quizzes and tests included in the Guide, compared to previous levels and their greater use of activities, exercises and projects to assess skill development.
Math Lessons For A Living Education Approach To Teaching Math
Mastery Approach (With Periodic Review)
For the most part, Math Lessons For A Living Education uses a mastery approach to math instruction.
In other words, students are introduced to and work on one topic at a time, diving deeply into that topic and moving on only once they demonstrate some level of skill and knowledge proficiency.
In this way the program approaches math in a manner similar to curricula such as CTCMath and Singapore, and a little different from more spiral curricula, such as Saxon, Life of Fred or Horizons Math, where concepts are broken down and taught a little at a time, rotating between topics and periodically revisiting them in greater depth later.
As a consequence, with Math Lessons For A Living Education, students are able to spend more time exploring math concepts, taking their time to fully understand the material before moving on.
One area that pure mastery programs are traditionally a little weak on is cumulative review.
With a mastery approach, once a student is considered proficient in a topic, they tend to move on completely to another topic and they tend not to revisit it in the future.
Some students do, however, benefit from periodically reviewing and practicing previously learned topics and may develop knowledge or skill gaps without this.
To help out, Math Lessons For A Living Education has taken a page from spiral curricula and added a good deal of continual review to their scope and sequence, with lessons frequently touching on previously learned material and providing a good, comprehensive review of concepts at the end of each year.
Conceptual Math
Math Lessons For A Living Education is a conceptual math program.
In other words, the program places a strong emphasis on ensuring that students understand the math they are learning, in particular what math concepts are about, why concepts work the way they do, why they are used and how they can be applied in different situations.

Consequently, Math Lessons For A Living Education lessons tend to stress logic and critical thinking, rather than rote memorization and endless drill, and tends to have a good number of word problems and puzzles mixed into its traditional practice exercises.
Similarly, and as with many of the better conceptual math programs out there, students are often challenged to learn and use alternative strategies and tricks for solving problems, rather than a single rote method for doing so, which can get kids thinking more strategically and creatively about their math learning.

In fact, and somewhat unusually for a math program, in MLFLE students are often tasked with explaining math concepts back to their parents, either orally or in written form, and are frequently tasked with explaining their reasoning and logic when answering problems.

All this is opposed to more traditional, procedural math programs, which tend to focus more on the how of math, i.e. how to solve math problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Procedural programs tend to stress specific, sequential problem solving methods over conceptual understanding and learning alternative strategies, and tend to include more memorization, drill and assessments.
On the downside, similar to many other conceptual math programs, students may not get quite as much dedicated drill and practice exercises as in a procedural program.
In order to make sure that their students develop problem solving fluency to go along with their understanding of math, some parents may need to supplement the student books with more dedicated practice, such as with Master Books’ own Practice Makes Perfect series or another.
One similarity that MLFLE does share with more traditional math programs is that it does provide students with a good deal of math fact practice in addition to its mental math exercises (note the narration exercises built into the practice example below).

Students work on learning and memorizing math facts through copywork and a set of unique, storytelling-based math flash cards (called Right Brain Flashcards) that can help them improve their problem solving speed and accuracy.
Christian Curriculum
Math Lessons For A Living Education is a pretty strong Christian math curriculum, viewing math and its applications as an expression of the beauty inherent in God’s creation.
In fact, this underlying faith-based philosophy is where the title of the series comes from – “a living God for a living education.”

The curriculum is not one that sprinkles in the occasional bible verse into an otherwise neutral math program, but weaves discussions of faith, maxims, quotes, and Christian values into its stories and instruction pretty tightly.
Consequently, the program can be easily integrated into a Christian faith-based homeschool, but those favoring a secular or even faith-neutral approach may not be as appreciative of its strong Christian outlook.
Story-based Instruction
Math Lessons For A Living Education doesn’t exactly teach math concepts in a traditional, textbook-style.
Instead, math concepts are introduced and demonstrated through a fictional story that weaves its way through the entire series and segments of which are read at the beginning of each lesson.
This story centers around two twins, Charlie and Charlotte Stevens, their lives and the adventures they get into, such as visiting their grandparent’s farm, going on vacation to the North Dakota badlands, adopting orphaned siblings Natty and Hairo, and so on.
As students read, math is gently introduced and demonstrated through “real life” problems and contexts that students can, if not identify with, personally understand.

In addition to the math component, the stories also integrate and explore a variety of positive, Christian values such as family, faith, community and more.

This approach should also be familiar and welcome to homeschools using literature-based teaching methods and Charlotte Mason homeschools, as these stories essentially turn Math Lessons For A Living Education into something of a living book series.
Parents should be aware, however, that this approach isn’t necessarily for every student.
Some students may not enjoy this story telling approach, preferring a to-the-point teaching style instead, and may get frustrated by beginning each lesson with a story and tune out.
That said, for those who do enjoy approaching learning through literature, as with similar programs such as Life of Fred, this character- and story-driven approach can make learning about math a lot more engaging, drawing students into the learning, and can make the student books far less stressful and intimidating to use than a traditional math textbook.
Charlotte Mason Inspired
Math Lessons For A Living Education is clearly inspired by the Charlotte Mason approach to teaching and actually includes many popular elements from CM curricula that aren’t all that common to math programs.
As discussed above, the program uses a literature/storytelling approach to instruction, conveying important math concepts and demonstrating their use through living book-style stories rather than direct, textbook-style instruction.
MLFLE also includes copywriting as a common exercise in its student books.

Although more commonly known for their use in Charlotte Mason language arts programs, these copywriting exercises tend to be centered around important math facts and so, in addition to helping students practice their handwriting skill, they can serve to help students remember important math ideas in a less stressful manner.
Similarly, Math Lessons For A Living Education also frequently includes oral narration exercises.
Also commonly found in Charlotte Mason language arts programs, the idea with these is to get students to repeat back what they are learning or doing in their own words, which can ensure that they are paying attention and have fully assimilated the concepts that they are learning.

That is, if a student can correctly and completely explain a concept to a parent in their own words, chances are they understand it pretty well.
Finally, Math Lessons For A Living Education does adhere to the Charlotte Mason belief that less is more.
For most levels, there isn’t a lot of direct assessment in the way of tests and quizzes, and lessons are kept quite short, usually taking less than 30 minutes, so the program can be very approachable, unintimidating and gentle compared to others.
Hands-on, Interactive Learning
Finally, Math Lessons For A Living Education is a pretty hands-on and interactive math program.
It explores math concepts through the use of manipulatives, which can help students better understand and grasp more abstract math concepts by giving them something physical or “real” to interact with.
The program can and does make use of, for example, place value mats, various cards and charts, coins, markers, and beans.
One notable example of this is the Place Value Village activity.
These are little paper houses representing ones, tens, hundreds and so on and, to help students write numbers down properly, little beans are placed in front of each house when prompted.

In addition to the use of math manipulatives in lessons, Math Lessons For A Living Education also includes a variety of projects and activities.
Throughout the series, for example, students might create posters with magazine clippings (to explore measurement or multiplication facts), do a quilting project, measure the perimeter or area of things around the house, and even do baking activities to explore concepts such as fractions and division.

Rather than simply doing math work in a book, Math Lessons For A Living Education activities and projects can get students up and moving, and can help them connect to math in a more positive, engaging and fun way.
Along with the use of manipulatives, these can make MLFLE a far more multisensory program, adding kinesthetic activities and tactile exercises to its auditory and visual components (reading, writing and narration), which in turn can make the program more engaging and relevant for different learning styles.
That said, it also means that there can be a little more work on the part of parents, who will likely have to buy, store, organize, and occasionally clean up the various components for these hands-on activities.
How It Works
Most books in the Math Lessons For A Living Education series have 36 lessons and are intended to cover a full year’s learning at a lesson-a-week pace.
Level 6 is a bit of an exception to this, having only 22 lessons for a year’s worth of learning.
Although ultimately up to the parent, Math Lessons For A Living Education lessons are set up on a 5 day a week schedule.
On the first day, students and parents read the story component of the lesson.
Around 2 pages long, these stories serve to introduce the concept and demonstrate its usefulness in an understandable and practical manner.
The stories themselves aren’t too hard to read and after a while students should be able to do so by themselves.
That said, the program does encourage parents to read them together with their students in order to stay involved with and help guide the learning, something we feel is a good idea as we believe that the various moral lessons and faith-based themes of the stories can be a good jumping-off point for important (and interesting) parent-child discussions.
After reading the story, students can explore the math concepts in more depth and start working through the math with the student book exercises.
These are designed to make up the remaining 4 days of the week and can include anything from computational exercises, word problems, copywork and narration exercises, hands-on activities, project work, concept reviews and more.
Each day’s activities are grouped together and are about 1-2 pages in total, so they are fairly short and to the point.
Depending on the student and their individual pace and skill, they should take between 15-30 minutes to complete.
As a result, they shouldn’t be too intimidating or frustrating for students to work through, particularly for those who have struggled through math curricula in the past.
That said, although the amount of work definitely increases with grade level, some days may have less than 10 exercises in total, and some may simply include hands-on activities, research or project work.
As a result, some students may find that they aren’t really getting as much practice as they need in each lesson and may need to add supplemental exercises to really develop skill fluency (the ability to answer questions correctly and quickly) in what they’re learning.
That said, there is a great deal of variation to these exercises, so the lessons never really feel repetitive and boring.
Unlike some other curricula out there, the lessons aren’t just made up of computational and word problems, but may also include:
- Copywork
- Hands-on activities and projects
- Puzzles
- Oral and written narration
- Concept and math fact reviews
- Drawing and tracing
- Flashcard work
- And more
Every few lessons, students will encounter a review of concepts where, rather than a story, they are presented with a summary of some math concepts that the following week’s exercises revolve around.

Similarly, at the end of the book students will encounter a general concept review that touches on several related concepts.
Finally, the books end with suggested activities that parents and students can do to help shore up math fact and skill fluency or as extra help for some topics students may have trouble with.
How Challenging Is Math Lessons For A Living Education
In general, we found MLFLE to be more of a fairly gentle and approachable math curriculum that is focused on helping students understand and become comfortable with math concepts than one designed to provide an advanced or challenging learning experience.
Although it does focus more on developing conceptual understanding, reasoning and mental math/math facts, the work is fairly straightforward and doesn’t involve a lot of tricky questions, multi-step problems or heavy drill and memorization tests, although these can certainly (and easily) be added to the program, should parents or students wish.
Similarly, its story-based approach, ample review and use of projects and activities rather than constant assessment can make learning math facts a lot more enjoyable and stress free than more traditional approaches.
Notably, the series is not common core aligned and tends to move a little slower and more gently than some others, such as Math in Focus or Saxon, and may not include quite as much in the way of geometry, statistics or probability as some other programs.
While it perhaps may not be the most ideal for talented math students looking for a rigorous challenge, like Math U See and other more gentle curricula we ultimately feel that Math Lessons For A Living Education can be a great option for those who struggle with math, those with math phobia and any student who has a hard time connecting to math using traditional methods.
How Easy Is Math Lessons For A Living Education To Teach?
By and large, MLFLE is pretty straightforward and intuitive to use when teaching math.
The student books guide parents and students through each week’s lesson, providing clear directions and even some useful tips for parents to use.
Similarly, the math instruction is clearly and sequentially presented and the lessons come pre-divided in a sensible and fairly logical 5 day schedule that won’t be overwhelming to students or parents.
Additionally, there isn’t a lot of prepwork for parents to do before each lesson, so it is pretty open and go, although parents may, at times, need to gather some of the hands-on activity materials before their respective lessons.
For these reasons, we feel that Math Lessons For A Living Education can be a good curriculum option for new homeschoolers and those who may not feel as comfortable with their own ability to teach math.
Pros and Cons
The student books for Math Lessons for A Living Education tend to cost less than $50 (at time of writing), which for most levels covers a full year’s learning in math without the need for any teacher’s guides, workbooks or other formal learning materials.
This makes the program affordable and very easy to fit into most homeschool budgets.
Interesting, story-based approach to teaching
One of the primary ways in which math concepts are conveyed to students in MLFLE is through an engaging series of stories starring twins Charlie and Charlotte Stevens, their adopted siblings and the adventures and experiences they have.
As students read these rather fun stories, they’ll be introduced to math concepts in a more “real life” and engaging manner than a traditional textbook, and will be exposed to solid Christian morals and values at the same time.
Lots of activities and projects
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a very hands-on curriculum that encourages students to explore math through activities and projects, rather than just drilling and testing their skills on paper.
At any time in the course, students might have to create posters, work with manipulatives, quilt, do artwork, measure things, divide up objects or even bake and cook their way into a better understanding of math.
Short lessons
Lessons in Math Lessons for A Living Education are typically pretty short, usually comprising only a couple pages of reading or exercises per day. This makes the program very easy to fit into a schedule and can make lessons far less daunting or intimidating to students.
Lots of review
Math Lessons for A Living Education has addressed an issue common to many mastery programs, namely a lack of periodic revision of previously learned concepts, by providing students with regular and dedicated review lessons and general topic reviews at the end of each book.
This extra review can help prevent students from forgetting what they’ve learned over time.
Multisensory learning
With its reading, writing, oral narration, discussions, manipulatives work, physical activities and projects, Math Lessons for A Living Education is a very multisensory program that explores math through the visual, auditory and tactile senses, which can make it very useful and relevant for students with different learning styles.
Strong emphasis on conceptual understanding
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a conceptual math program that focuses very strongly on helping students understand the math concepts they are learning.
The program takes the time to explain concepts in a fair amount of detail, touching on why they are used and why they work the way they do and getting students to the point where they can explain math ideas and facts clearly and in their own words.
It also tends to teach alternative ways of solving problems and encourages students to use their reasoning and critical thinking skills, all of which can be helpful when solving new or unusual math problems later on.
Pretty open and go
Lessons in MLFLE are pretty clear and well-organized, guiding both parents and students through the lessons without a lot of need for lesson review or prepwork on the part of parents.
As a result, the program is quite easy to teach and, beyond gathering some of the hands-on materials ahead of time, parents can largely just pick up the student book and begin teaching their students.
Fairly compact as a curriculum
There aren’t a lot of materials for parents to buy, store and organize with Math Lessons for A Living Education.
By and large, lessons are taught using the student book and, on occasion, some commonly available household materials to use for the various activities – there aren’t any textbooks, teacher’s guides or workbooks to worry about.
Strong variety of practice problems
Lessons in MLFLE can offer students a wide variety of practice problem types, ranging from straightforward computational exercises to crossword puzzles and drawing activities.
By changing things up a bit between lessons, it’s less likely that students will become too bored over the year.
Not the most rigorous curriculum out there
Although it does cover most everything a student needs in K-6 math, Math Lessons for A Living Education is a gentle and approachable curriculum with a slower pace that doesn’t contain a huge amount of complex questions, drill and memorization activities or advanced material.
As a result, it’s not the most rigorous program out there and may not be enough of a challenge on its own for more advanced math students.
Lessons may need to include supplemental practice
Lessons in Math Lessons for A Living Education are designed to be quite short and the practice lessons usually have about a page or two of exercises per day.
Although this can be helpful for students who “get” math concepts quickly or those who are apprehensive around math, the amount of practice questions may not be enough for others who may need to develop strong skill fluency and they may need to supplement the program with extra exercises and work.
Who is Math Lessons For A Living Education Ideal For?
Students who have had a hard time with math in the past
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a relatively gentle curriculum that focuses on developing an understanding of math, carefully explaining concepts through stories and various fun activities, including and arts and crafts projects.
As a result, the program may not be as intimidating or daunting as some others, and can be of real help to students who have struggled with math or have become fearful of math due to bad experiences with the subject.
Christian homeschools looking for a faith-based math program
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a very strong Christian math program that blends its math learning with strong messages about faith, family, morality, the Bible and, of course, God.
It can, therefore, be a good option for families looking for a program that can deliver more than just the occasional printed Bible quote.
Students who want to learn why math concepts work the way they do
As a conceptual math program, students in MLFLE will spend a good amount of time exploring what math concepts are, why they work and where and why they are used.
As with similar programs, it can therefore be a great resource for students who get frustrated being told to simply plug in numbers and move on.
Students who hate drill and tests
Some students do fine with drill, memorization and periodic assessment, while others can become apprehensive at the thought of the words “math test.”
While there are some, Math Lessons for A Living Education tends to favor less stress-inducing hands-on activities and projects, as well as oral narration exercises, to make sure students are properly learning what they need.
Those looking for a math program that integrates Charlotte Mason techniques
Math Lessons for A Living Education integrates a variety of Charlotte Mason techniques for teaching, including copywork, oral narration, activities and projects, short lessons and even living stories, to help teach math.
As a result, it can be a great option for those using a Charlotte Mason inspired approach to homeschooling, as well as those who enjoy or favor some of the activities and techniques.
Homeschools on a strict budget
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a very compact math curriculum that doesn’t require parents to go out and buy a lot of books or materials to use it.
Additionally, its main text is relatively inexpensive and the program as a whole should be able to fit into even tight homeschool budgets.
Who is it Not Ideal For?
Students looking for an enriched or advanced math program
Although its approachable nature can be very helpful for many students, Math Lessons for A Living Education is not an advanced or enriched math program and students with a strong talent for and interest in math may not find it to be enough of a challenge.
Students looking for more to the point instruction
While many students will likely enjoy reading about the adventures of Charlie and Charlotte, other students may prefer a more direct, textbook-style instruction and may become frustrated by having to read a story about math each week.
Secular homeschools
Math Lessons for A Living Education is a math curriculum with a strong Christian outlook that doesn’t shy away from mentioning God or the Bible, and so it may not be an ideal solution for those looking for a secular math curriculum.
Note: Prices correct as of writing. All Prices in USD.
As we mentioned previously, Math Lessons For A Living Education is a fairly compact curriculum that mainly relies upon its consumable student book for most levels.
Beyond this, only Level 6 requires the purchase of a Teacher’s Guide, but parents can also purchase a helpful teaching companion for the program.
Student Book: $44.99 each
Teaching companion: $19.99
Teachers Guide: $39.99
Math Lessons For A Living Education also includes a variety of hands-on activities and projects that can require a variety of household goods and craft materials, although how much these cost largely depends on where they are purchased.
Note: As always parents should check for the latest prices, as well as any discounts or offers that may apply.
Is It Worth The Price?
At less than $50 for a year’s worth of lessons, Math Lessons For A Living Education is an affordable Christian homeschool math curriculum that can provide a great deal of value to the right families.
With its effective story-based approach, short lessons and engaging hands-on activities and projects, the program makes learning K-6 math far more engaging and approachable than many other curricula, helping students develop a stronger understanding of math concepts and facts without hammering them with lots of memorization, assessments and drill.
Further, its Charlotte Mason techniques, such as copywork, oral narration and the use of living stories, make it a great fit for CM homeschools, those using a literature based approach and really any homeschool looking to avoid having to use a traditional, dry textbook-based curriculum.
Finally, Math Lessons For A Living Education is a strong Christian curriculum that successfully manages to weave important lessons and discussions in morality, faith, family and God into its math instruction and stories, making it a good choice for those looking for a curriculum that will do more than simply quote scripture here and there.
Bottom Line
Math can often be a challenging homeschooling subject for both parents and students, particularly for those who have had a hard time learning it in the past.
With an interesting story, multisensory instruction, short lessons and plenty of opportunities to review, Math Lessons For A Living Education is a Charlotte Mason-inspired Christian homeschool math curriculum that can help students develop a stronger understanding of math concepts in a gentler and more approachable way.

About the Author
David Belenky is a freelance writer, former science and math tutor and a tech enthusiast. When he’s not writing about educational tech, he likes to chill out with his family and dog at home.